Monday, August 6, 2007

Ugg Off!

Ugg boots.

In the infamous words of the infamous red-head: "Please Explain?"

As a fashion savvy friend commented on Suburban Fashionista:

"Ugg boots are sleepwear not footwear! It drives me crazy... I wonder if they wear them around home like slippers even after they've worn them out and about?"

And I agree. I have ugg boots but the only time they leave my house is if they're going to visit someone else's house... Not the supermarket, cafe or worse, nightclub.

I think the rise of celebrity-stalking paparazzi-photos has contributed to the terrifying acceptance of ugg boots as out boots.

When Pammy pops out with the kids (and her two children), to get the groceries, there's a photographer ready to snap her in her daggiest.

Trashbag Weekly is always ready for a photo like that.

Reality TV can also shoulder some of the blame.

Poor, sponge-brained, 15-year-old girls unfortunately take their fashion cues from Big Brother celetoids and blonde-haired gaol-birds.

The old ugg boots, mini-skirt and midriff combination should be illegal.

The comfort factor is the main drawcard for the Ugg-faithful.

A musician friend insists on wearing moccasins clubbing.

He has not yet been refused entry for his questionable footwear but is prepared to risk that chance - the comfort is just too good.

How to up your style cred instantly?

Put your slippers under house arrest.

1 comment:

Kat said...

I am an offender.

For years now I have been wearing ugg boots in public. Hidden under wide-leg jeans my ugg boots have often snuck down to the local video store. However to make my offence worse I have two pairs. I have outside ugg boots and inside ugg boots. The inside ugg boots are yet to leave the house. They are knee high and much like the ones pictured in the mini-skirt picture link you provided. The outdoor ones are daggy and old and are often seen at the local video store or being pulled out after a day of netball so that my feet are more likely to make it to the car.

So for me its always been a comfort thing. It just makes me laugh because years ago a friends sister caught me wearing my uggs under jeans at greenhills and was horrified. She now has a pair in pink that she often uses to complete her outfit.