Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Suburban Fashionista is...

Being a super-savvy Suburban Fashionista isn't an easy path to travel. When you live in a place where the locals are more interested in wearing flannelette shirts, sweatpants and ugg boots, it's hard to find the daily inspiration to be creative, experimental and influential with your style.

By bringing you the latest and greatest style trends, Suburban Fashionista aims to provide you with that drive to override suburban boganity and turn your driveway into your own personal catwalk.

Education through Technology is how Suburban Fashionista aims to change the world.

Given you're a fashionista stuck in the suburbs, there's a good chance you're not exactly raking in the dollars.

As long as you do it right, no one has to know how much it cost, or where it's from... unless of course it's Prada. Then you should definitely tell everyone where it's from and how much it cost.

I'm sure you'd know, even designer gear can be hideous when worn incorrectly.

Again, you just have to do it right.


P.s. Click on the hyperlinked words in any blog... you'll find a fun photo or extra info...

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