Saturday, October 27, 2007

To Elf or Not to Elf...

Although I know you can't believe everything you read on the internet, this is downright unusual and a little creepy if it's actually true...

Modern Plastic Surgery is flogging a ground-breaking procedure that promises to increase music enjoyment and create the illusion of a more attractive face.


Elf ears.

Yep, you read right; elf ears are the bee's knees.

According to the site, all the cool kids are doing it (!) and "Faun-Clubs" are allegedly springing up everywhere.

Faun-Clubs are exclusive dance parties for the pointy-eared.

A Hungarian plastic surgeon, Dr Lajos Nagy, created the plastic surgery.

He has been practicing in New York but is set to return to his homeland to further the "trend" there.

"Make your hearing perfect! Accentuate your personality! Be amongst the first music fauns in Europe!"

If it's this popular and cool, where are all these new-age elves?

Not in Vogue.

Not in Russh.

Not on Gala Darling.

Not on SandyCandy.

My advice?

Don't get the elf ears: they look bloody ridiculous.

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