Monday, August 20, 2007

Meet Your New Friends

A difficult dichotomy exists in Suburbia.

In the pursuit of cool, two situations could occur:

  1. You absolutely nail the balance between super cool & acceptably creative, thereby winning friends and influencing people.
  2. You succeed in being amazingly creative, and wouldn't look out of place in the city, but get labeled either "gay" or "weird freak" by the locals.

Depending on your personality, the latter may be a favourable outcome. I know people who would delight in the "freak" tag. Others however, including myself, would be not so delighted.

So... you're probably wanting to find that balance I mentioned.

It's all about intuition and research. Through your fashion knowledge, compile a collection of great pieces & know what works with what. Be confident, don't be afraid to take risks, and importantly, don't worry if occasionally you cop a "weirdo" tag...

To help develop your intuition, get inspired by creativity - know what refreshes you and do it!

I like to visit a few different websites if I've had a particularly hard day trying to flog fun clothes to dodgy bogans.

Two of my favourites include:

These sites both publish photos of creative randoms in places far removed from sunny downtown Suburbia...

Maybe try and pretend these kids are the locals in your part of the world...

Note: Their style might be cool but their smoking isn't - don't copy that accessory.

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